Labour law plays an important role in everyday business life. A multitude of regularly changing regulations have to be observed and the case law that is constantly being issued in this regard has to be constantly monitored. Digitalisation and, not least, the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the particular importance of labour law and the need for new forms of cooperation. Together with you and your employees, we develop your company in a digitalised age. With our many years of experience, we provide your company with reliable advice on all matters of labour law. This includes ongoing labour law advice, but also restructuring for personnel adjustments, representation before labour courts up to the Federal Labour Court as well as target-oriented negotiations with works councils and trade unions.
Ongoing advice on labour law
Every day, companies face labour law issues and challenges that require customised solutions and specialised knowledge. More than ever, it is a question of making working conditions more flexible, introducing short-time work, mobile work and home office solutions while taking into account the rights of the works council and data protection requirements.
In addition, there are the introduction, design and modification of working conditions, remuneration and working time models, company car and travel arrangements as well as other regulatory issues on an individual and collective level. We offer the appropriate solutions for the working conditions of executives, senior managers and managing directors, as well as in the case of departure from the company or liability claims / claims for damages.
Another focus is on the termination of employment relationships through notices of termination / change notices, termination and settlement agreements for operational reasons (e.g. elimination / reduction of jobs), behavioural reasons (e.g. breach of duty by employees) and personal reasons (e.g. illness). Here it is important to develop and implement the right solution for our Clients in each case.
Post-contractual obligations that have an effect beyond the termination of the employment relationship, e.g. post-contractual non-competition clauses and confidentiality obligations, are part of our range of advice.
The field of labour law regulations and our ongoing advisory work also include various regulations that employers are obliged to observe for compliance reasons, such as employee data protection, minimum wage requirements, working time regulations, the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) and the German Temporary Employees Act (AÜG) . Especially in the area of new forms of cooperation, self-employment and third-party personnel deployment, legal requirements must be complied with and risks – especially false self-employment – must be avoided.
We regularly represent our Clients‘ interests in labour court proceedings up to the Federal Labour Court. Our Clients rely on our experience and negotiating skills, which enable pragmatic and economically feasible solutions even in difficult disputes.
Restructuring / Mergers & Acquisitions
We advise and support companies in projects and complex restructuring for personnel cost reduction, personnel adjustment, transfer of operations, in- and outsourcing as well as relocation and closure of operations and parts of operations. This also includes conducting negotiations with the participating interest groups, works councils and trade unions on the drafting of works agreements (Betriebsvereinbarungen), reconciliation of interests (Intressenausgleich) and social compensation plans (Sozialpläne) as well as collective bargaining agreements (Tarifverträge).
In the case of corporate transactions, we provide support on all labour law issues typically associated with a company acquisition, sale or transformation (merger, demerger, etc.) (e.g. transfer of business pursuant to § 613a of the German Civil Code (BGB)).
Executives / Managing Directors / Board Members
Our Clients also include executives, managing directors and board members who can count on our experience and expertise when establishing and terminating their contractual relationships.